Bimeda has launched Recocam, a 20mg/ml meloxicam preparation licensed for use as a single injection course in cattle, horses and pigs. Bimeda has launched Recocam, a 20mg/ml meloxicam preparation licensed for use as a single injection course in cattle, horses and pigs. 

Bimeda's Head of Technical Services, Padraig Hyland MVB said: "Meloxicam's anti-inflammatory credentials and safety profile is well proven and it remains rightly popular with large animal vets. With our manufacturing expertise it makes sense to add this widely used product to our portfolio. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive range of both established standards and new innovative products for cattle and equine vets, and this is just another step in that process."

Bimeda says Recocam has a broad range of indications including acute respiratory infections, in combination with oral re-hydration in diarrhoea therapy and acute mastitis, for non-infectious locomotor disorders and lameness in pigs and alleviation of inflammation and pain in both acute and chronic musculo-skeletal disorders and pain relief associated with equine colic. In cattle Recocam can be given by single subcutaneous or intravenous injection.

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