RCVS & DC News
  • RCVS muddled over homeopathy

    The RCVS has responded to a petition from Danny Chambers MRCVS and 1,100 of its members which called for veterinary surgeons to be banned from prescribing homeopathic treatments to animals. In a letter to Danny, RCVS President Christopher Tufnell...

    Ayrshire vet struck off for failings surrounding euthanasia

    Ayrshire-based John Hendrie Smith has been struck off by the RCVS Disciplinary Committee after it found allegations of a number of charges in relation to his euthanasia of a dog proven. In total Mr Hendrie Smith had faced eight charges against him...
  • Bedford vet struck off for allowing dog to suffer

    The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has struck off the Register a veterinary surgeon who delayed attending a dog that had been run over at a farm, causing her to suffer unnecessarily. Following a two-day hearing, the Disciplinary Committee found Munhuwepasi...
  • RCVS/BVA Coronavirus guidelines expose flaws in structure of the veterinary profession

    A joint statement issued by the RCVS and the BVA with updated guidance for the professions about working during the coronavirus pandemic has led to an outcry on social media and highlighted flaws in the structure of the veterinary profession. Earlier...

    RCVS CPD requirements for vets to change

    The RCVS has announced far-reaching changes to the CPD requirements for veterinary surgeons, agreed by Council at its June meeting. The proposals put to Council by the Education Committee included six key recommendations for changes to CPD policy...
  • RCVS councillor's resignation reveals continued lack of transparency at the College

    Colin Whiting MRCVS has resigned his position on the RCVS Council after the College approved a new ‘How we work’ statement requiring Council members to publicly support all decisions taken by Council, even if they disagreed. In his first year of what...

    Herefordshire vet reprimanded for failing to euthanise cat and then taking it home

    Janine Susan Parody MRCVS has been reprimanded by the RCVS Disciplinary Committee for dishonesty in relation to her treatment of a cat. Ms Parody faced two charges, the first of which related to her treatment of a cat named Shadow and had multiple...
  • London vet suspended for stealing puppy

    The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has suspended London-based veterinary surgeon Dr Zahra Tahaneem Rafiq for six months, and found no misconduct against Mr Oscar Perez Maillo in the hearing of a case in which two newborn puppies were taken from their owner...
  • Vet struck off after kidnapping child she claimed was a satanic abuse victim

    Anke Hill has been struck off by the RCVS Disciplinary Committee after being convicted of conspiracy to abduct an eight year old child which she and her five co-conspirators claimed was a victim of satanic abuse. Ms Hill and Wilfred Wong snatched the...
  • Wales-based vet struck off for procuring prescription antifungal for husband

    Clwyd-based veterinary surgeon, Alina Grecko has been struck off by the RCVS Disciplinary Committee for obtaining a prescription-only medicine knowing that it was for human and not veterinary use. Mrs Grecko faced two charges. The first was that...

    Eminent equine vet struck off for fabricating Home Office letter

    The eminent equine vet, Dr Sue Dyson FRCVS, has been struck off for a series of dishonest statements and actions, including fabricating a letter from a fictitious Home Office Inspector, in order to have her research project published in an international...
  • New RCVS guidance on referring cases

    The RCVS has tightened up the Code of Professional Conduct concerning how general practitioners refer cases and how veterinary professionals talk about referral surgeons. The first change has been made to paragraph 1.6 which now advises general practitioners...
  • RCVS Disciplinary Committee adjourns charges against Hampshire vet

    The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has agreed to adjourn multiple charges against a Hampshire-based veterinary surgeon who first registered in 1950, following his undertakings firstly to request removal from the RCVS Register and secondly never apply...
  • Suffolk vet reprimanded for inadequate care of dog with heatstroke

    Lowestoft vet Frank Eric Ainsworth MRCVS has received a severe reprimand and warning as to future conduct from the RCVS Disciplinary Committee after being found guilty of serious professional misconduct. The charge against Mr Ainsworth was that in...

    Vet struck off for possessing paedophilic and bestial images

    Carlos Egido Cortes, a Glamorgan-based practitioner, has been struck off by the RCVS Disciplinary Committee following his conviction for possession of four indecent images of children and an extreme pornographic image involving an animal and a female...
  • The RCVS poster you’ll want to display in your practice

    The RCVS has published a new waiting room poster which details what pet owners and veterinary professionals should expect from each other. It’s very significant because it’s the first time the College has produced material for practices that highlights...

    Suffolk vet struck off for dishonesty, clinical failings and poor record keeping.

    Suffolk-based Dr Horia Elefterescu has been struck off by the RCVS Disciplinary Committee for dishonesty, clinical failings and poor record keeping. The Committee heard seven charges against Dr Elefterescu. The charges were: In September...

    Kent-based vet who faced allegations of clinical failings removed from the Register

    A Kent-based veterinary surgeon who faced allegations relating to multiple clinical failings has been removed from the Register at his own request. George Philippus Hauptfleisch faced three charges in relation to allegations of clinical failings surrounding...
  • Brighton vet severely reprimanded by RCVS DC

    The RCVS Disclipinary Committee has severely reprimanded and warned as to her future conduct a Brighton-based veterinary surgeon who failed to maintain a proper boundary between her professional and personal relationships with a client. The eight...

    Veterinary paraprofessionals may become regulated by the RCVS

    The RCVS Council has approved a pathway for veterinary and animal health paraprofessionals to become associates of, or accredited by the College and thereby fall within its regulatory remit. At the June 2017 meeting of RCVS Council, members decided...

    Nottinghamshire vet suspended for harassment

    Nottinghamshire-based veterinary surgeon Victor Daniel Pousada Garcia has been suspended from the Register for five months by the RCVS Disciplinary Committee following a conviction for harassment. Mr Garcia had pleaded guilty of harassment at Nottingham...
  • RVN struck off for falsifying records

    The RVN Disciplinary Committee of the RCVS has removed an Armagh-based nurse from the Register after finding that she'd entered the details of four injections into clinical records when she had no reasonable basis for doing so. During the four...

    Cardiff vet struck off for 'deplorable' dishonesty towards insurance company

    Cardiff-based Nicola Burrows has been struck off the Register for creating an inaccurate clinical history for her horse and then dishonestly attempting to make insurance claim for its treatment. Ms Burrows faced 11 charges against her. The first...
  • Two vets suspended for lying about fatal operation

    The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has suspended two veterinary surgeons from the Register after finding them guilty of lying to clients and the College about the circumstances of a castration procedure which led to the death of a dog. The Committee...
  • Wirral vet struck off for reprehensible failure of care

    The RCVS DC has directed that a Wirral-based veterinary surgeon should be removed from the Register after finding that he had treated clients badly, kept inadequate clinical records, was dishonest in dealing with the RCVS, and that animals in his...