RCVS & DC News
  • Landmark disciplinary case against Staffs vet represents victory against pseudoscience

    In a landmark disciplinary case last week, Staffordshire-based veterinary surgeon Roger Meacock MRCVS has undertaken to amend his website after the College alleged it contained content which was either misleading or inaccurate to the point of bringing...
  • Vet retention fees to rise by shocking 150%

    The RCVS has today announced that retention fees paid by veterinary surgeons are set to rise by 150%, from £340 to £850 per annum. According to the College, the increase in fees is needed primarily to develop its regulatory capacity for paraprofessionals...
  • ** BREAKING NEWS ** Homeopaths march on RCVS Belgravia House

    VetSurgeon.org is hearing early reports of a homeopathic protest march currently taking place in London. The protesters, which VetSurgeon.org understands comprise six veterinary surgeons and 30-40 pet owners, started their march in Parliament Square...

    308 vets removed from the Register for non-payment of fees

    The RCVS has removed 308 veterinary surgeons from the Register for non-payment of their annual renewal fee. This compared with 339 who were removed for non-payment last year. A list of those who have not paid their fee has now been published and...

    RCVS DC reprimands the vet that kicked the horse

    Simon Leroy Hutton MRCVS has been reprimanded by the RCVS Disciplinary Committee for kicking a horse in the abdomen after it kicked him during an examination. The DC heard that Mr Hutton had attended to a horse called Angel at a livery yard in Sheffield...
  • RCVS to move headquarters offshore

    Hot on the heels of yesterday’s announcement that the RCVS has completed the sale of its offices in Westminster, the College has now announced plans to move its headquarters offshore. In a statement issued this morning, the College explained that a...
  • Veterinary regulator blackballs homeopathy in animals

    The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has today issued a new position statement on the veterinary use of complementary and alternative medicines, homeopathy in particular. With regard to all types of complementary and alternative medicine, the...
  • Crystal-meth sadomasochistic sex manslaughter vet struck off

    Kirk Thompson, a Newcastle-based practitioner, has been struck off by the RCVS Disciplinary Committee after being found guilty of manslaughter, assault and drug possession. Following a trial at Newcastle Crown Court in April 2014, Mr Thompson - who...
  • RCVS responds to outcry over DC case

    The RCVS has responded to the outcry sparked by the Disciplinary Committee striking off a veterinary surgeon that delayed an out-of-hours home visit to a dog that had been run over by its owner, a farmer. The RCVS response addresses three main issues...
  • Homeopaths up in arms about new RCVS position on alternative medicine

    The Faculty of Homeopathy and the British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons (BAHVS) have responded to the RCVS's new position on the use of complementary and alternative medicines in veterinary practice. The organisations say that the...

    Sue Dyson refused restoration to the Register

    Dr Sue Dyson, who was struck off by the RCVS Disciplinary Committee last year for dishonesty, has had an application for restoration to the Register refused. Dr Dyson was removed from the Register after she was found to have fabricated a letter from...
  • Northants vet suspended for failing to euthanase cat

    The Disciplinary Committee has suspended a veterinary surgeon from the register for three months, for not carrying out or arranging the euthanasia of a cat, and for dishonesty in his subsequent account of events. At the outset of the two-day hearing...
  • 94% of vets say prescribing meds without a physical exam will harm animal welfare

    A survey by VetSurgeon.org has found that the majority of veterinary surgeons disagree that they should be allowed to prescribe medication without ever having seen the animal in person or performing a physical exam. The survey was conducted following...

    Bolton vet given reprimand for clinical failings after meeting his undertakings to the DC

    The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has reprimanded David Henry Eccles MRCVS and warned him about his future conduct after he admitted to clinical failings relating to his treatment of a cat. Mr Eccles had first appeared before the Disciplinary Committee...
  • RCVS invites vets to a focus group to develop GP Specialist curriculum

    The RCVS is inviting vets to a focus group to look at the profession's needs for a Specialist GP status and contribute to the development of a curriculum on Friday 3rd May 2024 between 9.30am and 4.30pm at the Woburn House Conference Centre. Dr Linda...
  • Uxbridge-based vet suspended for passing off puppy farm puppies as home-bred

    Uxbridge-based Daniel Doherty MRCVS has been suspended by the RCVS Disciplinary Committee from the Register for one month after being convicted of conspiracy to commit fraud by false representation. Mr Doherty was convicted, with others (who were also...
  • Clinically deficient locum who called other vets "bloody awful" struck off

    Locum David John Porter has been struck off by the RCVS Disciplinary Committee for rude and aggressive behaviour, deficient clinical standards and obstructing the Committee's investigation into the complaints against him. Three charges were found...

    Northamptonshire vet struck off for theft and fraud

    Northamptonshire-based Joanna Wicksteed has been struck off by the RCVS Disciplinary Committee after being convicted of theft and fraud, and found to be dishonest and misleading in not declaring a police caution and an adult restorative disposal to the...
  • RCVS commits to consult with the profession over proposed changes to standard of proof in disciplinaries

    The RCVS has issued a statement in which it commits to consult with the profession over a proposal to change the standard of proof required in disciplinary proceedings from the criminal standard to the lower civil standard. The proposal seems to have...
  • Vet reprimanded after bribe conviction

    The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has reprimanded a veterinary surgeon who'd fallen victim to a corrupt system and consequently bribed a professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of...

    Vet struck off for murder of veterinary nurse

    Alberto Fioletti has been struck off by the RCVS Disciplinary Committee after being jailed for life for the murder of his former partner, a veterinary nurse. Mr Fioletti was found guilty of the murder of Stephanie Hodgkinson at Bournemouth Crown Court...
  • Suffolk vet struck off for bestiality

    The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has struck off Suffolk vet Oliver Fraser Lown after finding him guilty of five separate charges relating to the possession of extreme animal pornography and sexual activity with animals. Mr Lown, who graduated from...
  • Canine surgical artificial insemination prohibited

    The RCVS has confirmed that surgical insemination in dogs is prohibited by animal welfare laws and amended Section 27 of the supporting guidance to the Code of Professional Conduct so that it now sits alongside tail docking, dew claw removal, prosthetic...

    Essex vet struck off for 'wilful disregard' of the RCVS

    Andrew Michael Dobson MRCVS has been struck off by the RCVS Disciplinary Committee after it found that he had carried out an act of veterinary certification while off the Register, failed to have professional indemnity insurance, then failed to respond...

    Kent vet struck off for performing unnecessary hip replacements

    Dr Marthinus Ryk Botes has been struck off after he carried out total hip replacements (THR) on four dogs which did not uphold the animals’ health and welfare and without consulting with their owners about alternatives (including more conservative treatment...