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Prevalence of Rickettsia felis DNA in the blood of cats and their fleas

Jennifer Hawley and others, Colorado State University

Rickettsia felis is one of a group of arthropod borne rickettsial parasites responsible for the spotted fever conditions in humans, characterised by fever, headache, myalgia and macular rash. In many parts of the world it has been associated with the cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis). The authors used PCR analyses to detect R. felis DNA in cats and their fleas in three US states, using the bacterial citrate synthase gene and the outer membrane protein B gene. Overall, 67% of the 92 flea samples but none from the host cats were positive.

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 9 (3): 258-262

Abstract reproduced by kind permission of Veterinary Practice magazine.