Not listed in all skin books and not many pics , i'm often surprised by how few 'young vets' do not recognise the condition.
Nearly always dobermans but any bignoses can. Trick is always tell the client it will get worse before it get better and may reach the face, then bang it with marb, the affected area may slough.
This image was first uploaded Dec 9 2009, 2009, re-uploaded Nov 26 2018 after site upgrade.
Comment posted Dec 22 2009
As Rajat suggests cytology would be helpful and definitely bacteriology if any intact pustules are evident.This is a typical site for deep pyoderma so would need 3 weeks pus of an appropriate antibiotic and preferably 1 week past clinical cure.
A great picture is in David Grants book on SA Dermatology 1995.
This is also a typical site of Pemphigus foliaceus ,dermatophytosis ,and also demodex. Paul Dowie